>From:    Gina Fritz <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Lymphosarcoma
>My baby Dallas was recently diagnosed with lymphosarcoma.  I'm been
>doing research but I am unable to find what I'm looking for.  I need for
>people with lymphosarcoma to tell me what I can expect.  What have been
>the results with meds vs.  chemo.  Dallas is about 6 years old and is not
Sorry for the delay, Gina.  This is tough for me to write...
At 4yo my Gina had right-sided adrenal gland surgery.  Path on some nodes
came back as possible lympho.  A few months later she had swollen lymp
My NC vet is the best in the state (Dr. Dan Hudson - Northwoods AH
919-481-2987).  We chose to due aggressive treatment to knock down the
swelling - a single injection of pred once every four weeks.  It worked.
After that, anytime I felt that she was lethargic (since I wasn't confident
in my feeling her nodes for swelling), she went to the vet.  Often, she
*did* need a pred injection due to node swelling.
Due to stress on the animal, I preferred *injections* over *oral* pred for
treatment of lymphosarcoma.
About two years later, Gina started showing signs of insulinoma, and for
this illness, had pred daily before and after her partial pancreatic
Hope this helps.
Shari Gunter
* * * * * *
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[Posted in FML issue 3459]