Hi All....
I posted a few days ago and I was really impressed with the help that
everyone offered.  So..I"m hoping that maybe some more ferret-experienced
people could explain something for me!
My 'darling-who-never-gets-into-trouble' [ha!] Oscar has a foot fetish.
Now...I've read a lot of stuff and heard people talking about how ferrets
seem to have this great love for biting their owners feet however that's
not my problem [at least not yet!] Instead...Oscar LOVES to **dig** at my
feet and my legs [if I'm lying down] He'll dig and lick continuously until
I make him stop.  I was just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced
this and if they have any ideas why he likes doing it so much and how I
might go about stopping him.  It's not a serious problem...yet....and I
just want to make sure that it doesn't become a serious problem!
Also...I'm just curious to know why he finds this so entertaining!!
Oh my god!  I just had the scariest experience!  My little
'darling-who-never-gets-into-trouble' just found himself in *BIG* trouble!!
He always runs and plays under my bed [the far corner is where he likes to
hide his 'steals'] and he'll often play with the toys he's hoarding under
there.  However....I was hearing the bell on his collar continuously but I
realized that I hadn't SEEN him for awhile.  So..I took the flashlight and
looked under the bed and......instead of being under...he was IN!!  I had
to slice a small hole in the white gauze covering to get him out [thank god
it was that easy!] and then I repaired that hole and found and repaired the
hole that he had used to get up and in with.  So...now I'm scared to even
let him out of his cage!  I'm not sure if he was the one who made the hole
or if it's always been there but now I REALLY need advice!  What do I have
to do to make sure that this doesn't happen again!??!
PLEASE......I don't want Oscar to be hurt [or even worse!] by getting
caught up there again but I'm not sure how to keep it from happening!  All
of your help and ideas would be more than appreciated and are definitely
needed!!  Thank you!!
~ DiXiE ~
   & Oscar T. Wigglebum
[Posted in FML issue 3459]