There are several posts to which I would like to reply:
First, to the person who asked about over-the-counter flea treatments...
Do not use them.  We recently had a cat in very bad shape come into the
vet. clinic where I work.  Her owners had used Hartz Flea Control for Cats
according to the directions and the kitty had a very bad reaction.  She
was seizing uncontrollably.  Valium did not help at all (and that is most
commonly used to treat seizures).  We called the hotline and were put in
touch with animal poison control.  They were able to tell us how to treat
the problem and advised that if we were not able to control the seizures,
the kitty would die.  Luckily, the seizures were controlled and the kitty
recovered after several days.  If this can happen (and it does not always
happen, but occurs frequently enough for there to be a treatment protocol)
when the flea treatment is used as directed, what could it do to our
ferrets.  Advantage is much safer and has undergone rigorous testing in
cats and dogs.  Many ferret owners use Advantage or Frontline, but I am
not aware of the dosage offhand.
Secondly, to the person whose ferrets had no reaction to their vaccines,
Congratulations.  I'm glad all went well, just remember reactions can
happen after any vaccine not just the first time.  Reactions do not happen
in every case either.  The dangers and premedicating advice is posted to
help others not to make you paranoid.  Forewarned is forearmed.
Thirdly, I have 3 cats, 1 dog, and a ferret.  They all get along
marvelously.  The cats are 3, 4, and 5 yrs of age and the dog is 3yrs
old.  The ferret is 4yrs old also.  The ferret was 2yrs old when I got
him.  Older ferrets can be better for first time owners because they are
a little more laid back than the youngsters, but not much.  There is not
much difference as far as males and females, but each ferret's individual
personality differs.  I would get the largest cage you could afford, that
would reasonably fit into your home, try Martins cages online.  Especially,
go for a large cage if the ferret will be spending much time in the cage.
That's all for now.  Best wishes to everyone's sick babies and condolences
to the families with ferrets at the bridge.
Love and ferret hugs to all,
Snoball, the dog
Ripley, Max, and Jinx, the kitties
Fitz, the ferret
[Posted in FML issue 3457]