I went to visit Drag today at the vet clinic.  Dr. K wants to keep him
another day.  his bladder is so distended that it is very hard to squeeze
urine from him.  He will be going on meds for this, but she feels because
his bladder is so large that it may not help.  she will be rechecking his
blood sugar level again today, we are trying to avoid putting him on Pred
because of his cronic bladder infections.  We are hoping for a miracle that
his blood sugar level will be normal.  there is also a surgery that she can
do to reduce the size of his bladder, this is not an option at this time
due to his anemia.  So we have to wait and see on that.  she will drain his
bladder again before he comes home.
his urine culture results came in and he has another bladder infection,
which was really no suprise to us.  He will be on a course of Baytril
anibiotics.  I stayed and visited with Drag, he has a cathiter in his front
leg but still gets around!  He looks great and his spirits are up.  I held
him and he gave me kisses.  I miss those kisses so much.  when Dr. k came
to talk to me and take him back she picked him up and he looked at her
with love.  She is his second mom and I know he loves her as much as she
loves him.  i tried not to cry when I held him but I failed, i wanted him
to get good feelings from me, not sad ones.  he seemed Ok with everything.
So tomorrow I hope he can come home with me.  Please keep him in your
thoughts and prayers, he is a true ferret warrier.
thank you all,
[Posted in FML issue 3456]