Well I'm very sorry for posting my thank you's so late,but time just sems
to slip away.
So thank you to Kim and Allison for their care package,thank you to the
wonderful lady who sent litter and food from the ferret store, I'm sorry
I forgot your name,plese send it to me so I can thank you properly!
Thanks to Judy C. for the Ferret Store G.C.,
to Brenda P, for taking new pics for my website,soon to be posted.
to Brenda S. for fostering some of my ill ferrets,taking a late night
road trip this weekend to get a ferret from the Cali Agg Station.
to West Valley Wuzzles for the Mazuri!
To everyone that gives me moral support in my down times.  To Ingred, for
helping out on the yard sale, sweating it up and working hard, she also
went and got a ferret out of the pound for me and then decided to keep
her, I should send more people on ferret pick ups, hehe.  also for donating
litter and fostering a troubled ferret named Buddy.  I hope he hasn't biten
you again.
I'm sorry if I forgot anyone, if I did, please e mail me so I can get it
Also thanks to everyone who has adopted a ferret from the shelter latly, we
are getting very full again and I love to see the ferrets go to good loving
homes asap!
i hope you allcan make it to the Ferret Symposium next year so I can
finally meet you all.
Take care,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
please visit us at:
and leave us a message on our guestbook
[Posted in FML issue 3455]