The BEST thing that I have noticed so far is that Merlin who couldn't
really climb when he came to us at first can now jump like crazy!  I guess
it's because our cat is teaching him.  He loves playing with our cat and
when she's had enough she jumps up into a chair or onto something she
thinks he can't reach but...I guess he's starting to get frustrated with
being stuck just out of reach on the floor because my hubby said he's
beginning to jump straight up and try to get up on the chair or object
after her.  :-) He couldn't believe how high he jumped yesterday about
calf height I guess but for a ferret who could barely climb and didn't
know about toys, hammocks, sacks, etc that is EXCELLENT to my way of
thinking. :-)
How high can these little guys jump???  Just curious since I never noticed
Cyrano jumping or Merlin able to before.
[Posted in FML issue 3455]