For those of you who know Drag or know of him the start of my post will
be old news,but I want to introduce him to the new FMLers!
Drag came to me a little over a year ago.  A woman witnessed her neighbor
fighting with her husband, he was leaving and the wife was mad and said
take your ferret too.  Then she proceded to slam Drag in the door, thus
damaging his spinal column.
The neighbor then, well, not by any legal means got the ferret and his
sister from this house the next day.  He was brought to me a few days
later.  I named him Drag because thats what he does, he can no longer
walk on his hind legs, he can now push himself a little with them.  Drag
developed a bladder problem down the road, he went through many surgeries
to fix the problem, including a marsupial pouch and a drain that lead from
his bladder and stitched to his side so we could drain his urine.  after
the drain was out the only thing left was to put him on meds, and i have
to squeeze him 2-3 times daily to make him pee.  due to his injuries he can
no longer pee on his own and his bladder wall is thickened and distended.
He does pretty good and always gives me kisses after every squeezing.  He
goes to the vet every 3-4 weeks to have his bladder drained completly by
the vet, doing a cysto, under light anesthia.
He loves to play and does the craziest weasel war dance you'll ever see, he
has a love for life and he doesn't let his handicap slow him down, until
now.  Drag has been very lethargic latly, he went to the vet on Monday, by
the time I got there he was foaming at the mouth and flat out.  Even though
my air works great, he got overheated.  Dr. K kept him and placed an IV
into him, drained his bladder and took blood.  The results show his white
cell count elevated, due to cronic bladder infections we assume, but also
we found him to be insulanomic, and anemic.  We are very worried about the
anemia and will recheck his blood next week, if it is still low, we will do
a bone aspirate to see if he is not producing red blood cells.  This scares
me as I don't want anything more to happen to this wonderful ferret.  he
also is started on a low dose of Pred, this is not a good thing as he is
always fighting infections.  All this could have been avoided in his life,
but a horrible human had to take her anger out on a poor little ferret.  I
hate her for what she has done to him, I pray that she never owns animals
again.  Drag is a wonderful soul and i want him to live a long and happy
life.  I went to his cage last night to do his nightly squeeze and
remembered he was with my vet at her home.  i started to cry, thinking how
can I be without him.  I miss his kisses and silly war dance.  Please keep
Drag in your prayers as he needs them now more than ever.  He has battled
so much and survived and i need him to get thorugh this hurdle as well.  I
love you Drag and even with all the other shelter ferrets here there is a
viod, you need to get better and come home, I miss you.
Thanks for listening,
CJ 24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
missing the Dragster
[Posted in FML issue 3455]