Larry found a compounding pharmacy in our area that is willing to order
and mail out the 4 month Lupron Depot for under $100.  I talked with the
pharmacist and before he invests in the special equipment needed for this
project, he wanted me to put out feelers to see if there will be a market
for it.  His goal is to help us at the lowest cost possible but he will be
making a very large investment when he purchases the special equipment so
it is reasonable that he wants to find out if the market is there first.
Please talk with your vets and ask if they would be interested.  They are
welcome to contact Jim (pharmacist - Topeka, KS) at 1-800-338-9700 or they
can call our vet, Larry at 785-233-3185, who has been working with Jim on
this project.
You can also email me privately and I'll tally the responses.
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3419]