Klittlebear wrote:
>If anyone out there in San Diego has just a couple of hours to spare for
>our California furballs, please, please, please help out collecting
>signatures at the Morena Blvd.  Petco on the remaining May weekends.  I
>am only 1 of the 2 people who have volunteered & this effort is in danger
>of being canceled from lack of response.  This is a great chance to show
>the lawmakers that we really do care about this Bill to legalize our
>fur-babies.  It has been a long time coming to get to this point & I
>cannot bear to see it lost because we cannot spare a couple of hours on
>the weekend.  Please help out, our babies need us now.  And aren't they
>as important to us as our time?
Ha!  Apparently the reason why I was not out there helping you this past
weekend is because I was too busy collecting signatures at the Clairemont
Mesa Blvd.  Petco!  :o) I'm so happy to hear that there were others out
there doing the same thing.
Californians, if you have a weekend or two to spare and you are tired of
keeping your beloved fuzzies hidden from friends and neighbors, make it a
goal to collect 100 signatures to help the legalization effort.  It is
truly not a difficult thing to do, even for someone as painfully shy as I
am.  You don't even need to do it as part of an organized group... you can
do it all on your own if you want to.  I spoke with the store manager at
(the Clairemont Mesa) Petco before I started.  He said that, although he
was not allowed to endorse any political effort as a matter of corporate
policy, I was perfectly within my rights to collect signatures outside the
store, not directly in front of the door.  So I set up a small table just
outside the entry and decorated it with my eight stuffed ferrets and a
handwritten sign reading, "Your Signature Will Help Legalize Ferrets in
California." I really didn't have to do anything else at that point other
than smile at the people going in and out of the store.  About one in every
three groups came up to the table, told me how cute they thought ferrets
were, and agreed that they should be legal.  It was a real ferret lovefest.
I got over thirty signatures in three hours just with that minimal effort.
By the way, I also dropped off a few forms at my vet's office, and they
are sitting there collecting signatures as we speak.
Please, please get involved with the legalization effort if you haven't
already!  Everyone who loves ferrets needs to let the Governor know how
important these animals are in our lives.
By the way, Klittlebear, can you please post more details about the Morena
Blvd drive?  What times will you be there, and do we need to bring anything
or just show up?  My apologies if I missed an earlier post.  This is the
first time I've heard about the drive.
Hugs to all the fuzzies!
 Anonymous in San Diego
    (but hopefully not for long)
[Posted in FML issue 3419]