Hello Everyone and I hope everyone had a Great Mother's Day!
My family and I went to Fiesta Texas and had a blast, but it was the first
day that my furkids were at home without mommy being there.  OH what a
mess!!!!  They managed to put their food in their litter box and their
litter out all over their sheets.  I guess they were trying to tell me
they didn't approve. :-)
Anyway, about 3 weeks ago I wrote and let everyone know about my precious
Sable passing and the battle that we were beginning against a major pet
Here's the update.  I talked til I was blue in the face to everyone I knew.
All of the stores managers, regional and otherwise.  Finally I tried the
Corp. office.  When I got off the phone I didn't feel like there was any
hope of getting our money back or another ferret, but felt VERY good to
know that he was going to do a complete investigation on the store and
promised me the kits there would be taken care of.
I was thinking about going to JAG ( we are military) and seeing what could
be done.  To make a long story short, I received a call Friday morning from
the man I had spoke to earlier from the corp office.  He suprised me by
telling me they were going to reimburse us for ALL the vet bills, and give
us another ferret!  WOW!!!!  I was so amazed.  I have been back to the
store and got Nozy (nosey).  She is the most precious thing I have ever
seen.  Of course, EVERY fuzzbutt is.  My son named her because of her
brown nose.
All the fuzzies there look to be in great shape.
I have to give credit where credit is due, the assistant manager at this
store has ferrets of her own and has made it very clear they will be
taken care of and she is there if I have ANY problems or need help.
I didn't mention the name of the store in my earlier post so I won't now
either but, I want them to know that I appreciate the effort made on their
part and the genuine concern for their animals and customers.  I can't
say this for all the stores in this corp.  but I know this one is in good
hands.  That's a start!
Thank you for all the support and sympathy I received in this matter and
to let you know we are adopting a ferret named Evan in a couple of weeks.
So God has blessed us and as I promised Sable before, You made a HUGE
difference in our lives and alot of other fuzzies.  We are grateful and
have been truly blessed to have been able to love you!  You will always be
in our hearts and in our home!  We love you baby girl.  And thank you again
for all the blessings!
Maryi, Streaker, Nozy, and "awaiting" Evan!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3418]