My Theories And Conclusions On The Correlation Of Benign and Malignant
Manifestations, And/Or Impairments In The Immune System, And It s
Relationship Between Women And Ferrets.
Women with Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids,
seem to have a common denominator with adrenal disease in ferrets.
1.) All or most have elevated levels of estrogen.
2.) All have benign or malignant cellular growth manifestation of
    fibrous material.
3.) All or most are initially treated with an estrogen-blocking drug.
4.) Estrogen causes approximately 11 varieties of cancer in five species of
    animals. This is applicable to the hormone regardless of its source.
5.) All have their immune system compromised, depressed or impaired to
    some degree.
Why is it that medical treatments for these ailments center around blocking
estrogen reception?  Is it because estrogen causes these manifestations?
Why is it that the medical orthodoxy (in human and veterinary medicine)
almost never considers a compromised immune system as a cause or
contributing factor to these and other manifestations?
Instead of using toxic medications to  control  the estrogen, which is
essentially symptomatic treatment, Is it possible to convert the estrogen
in the body to a form that is less toxic to the body, while simultaneously,
hyper-stimulate the immune system?  There-by permit the body to less likely
encourage fibrous material manifestations, (whether benign or malignant,)
to manifest itself as Cancer, Adrenal Disease, and Insulinoma?
Is it possible to encourage the liver in the body to convert estrogen
into a form that is less likely to promote certain tissues and organs
into producing fibrous/cancerous tissue(s)?
Can I demonstrably reduce most of the adverse symptomatology of
hyper-estrogen activity and impaired immunity using innocuous nutritional
I propose that using the proper innocuous nutritional protocol, I can
effectively correct to an significant degree the ineffective conversion
of estrogen, by the liver, into a more effective version of estrogen that
is less likely to cause estrogen dependent manifestations and diseases in
I also propose that using the proper innocuous nutritional protocol, I can
effectively correct, to a considerable degree, the impaired immune system
that is most likely responsible for a variety of  idiopathic  illnesses
such as Adrenal Disease, Insulinoma and the  Wasting Away Syndrome  seen in
ferrets.  (Impaired immunity is most likely attributed to Vaccinations.)
After collaborating with a open minded veterinarian for several months on
a clinical trial involving several ferrets with illnesses such as Adrenal
Disease, Severe Insulinoma, Severely Enlarged Spleen,  Idiopathic Wasting
Away Syndrome .  These are my findings;
All the ferrets had a variety of abnormalities in their blood test,
especially the Insulinoma and Enlarged Spleen patients.  After
administration of my protocol at twice a day intervals, (in order to
maintain adequate plasma levels) the results were startling!
#1.) All of their blood abnormalities returned to normal in just one week.
#2.) All of the symptomatology associated with their respected illnesses
disappeared (One Insulinoma ferret for example was having seizures every
week to the point that the owner, fearing her pet would expire, would
take her pet with her to the veterinarian center where she works as a
veterinarian assistant That ferret, as well as all the others are totally
symptom free.)
#3.) Any enlargements internal or external (Such as an Enlarged Spleen or
Tumors started to shrink in the first week of the protocols administration
(Another example was a ferret that had a spleen so enlarged that surgery
was recommended but, due to financial difficulties on the owner s part,
and the obvious dangers of surgery, the owner instead decided to try the
protocol for a week.  In one week, the spleen shrunk to the point that
surgery was no longer a necessity and the ferret now has a normal size
I will be delighted to demonstrate my findings to any interested party.
Since my protocol is composed of food extracts (such as water soluble
vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes and nutrients and absolutely no sugar
of any kind (Studies have shown that Cancers live off glucose and is known
to exasperate Insulinoma and other conditions.), there is no danger to the
ferret.  Being a multi-ferret owner is one reason I created the protocol
in that fashion.
I am in the process of patenting my formulation and have committed myself
to donating a portion to ferrets shelters and ferret education and to
getting unwanted cats and dogs off the streets.  I also invite any ferret
owner in the NEW YORK area who has tried the medical orthodox treatments
to no avail to try my all-natural protocol for a few days free of charge!
That s how convinced my veterinarian  colleague  and I are about the
efficacy of my protocol
The only catch is that you have to go to my home and receive the protocol
so that there will be no out of pocket expense for me.  The best ferret
candidates are the ones with Insulinoma since that illness has the most
startling curative results and are the most easily noticeable (As in
augmented energy, elimination of seizures, amplified alertness,
normalization of blood abnormalities.)
Anyone Interested can write me at;
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Copyright ) 2001 Luis Batiz
            All Rights Reserved
[Posted in FML issue 3417]