i heard some rumors that some of the people behind the shows [whomever
they may be...i do not know..i do not want to know...] have decided that
they are not going to HAVE some shows this year...possibly next year too...
the reason?...[they say...]
to keep ADV from spreading...
ok..nice thought...BUT...THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT!!!!  all this will
do is take NEEDED funds from the shelters and clubs that depend on these
shows as fund raisers...
ok..you say...what SHOULD you do???
the key is EDUCATION...provide pamphlets about ADV and safe conduct at
a public place to ALL who walk in the door!!  the key is REQUIRED ADV
TESTING..  either AT the door or on your own with the paperwork in hand
when you show up at the show...
Another way to help if you are so concerned is to DONATE a percentage of
your show proceeds to ADV Research!!!
there is LOTS you can do to help...
closing the shows is not one of them...that hurts/harms more than it
again...a concerned...
KITY= .. =KAT...(a.k.a....FuzzieMom) and her Kollektive "16"
Rascal, Sassy, Wolfie, Monkey(Shine), Meeja, PopPye, Noodles, Sandi-Mandi,
Hope-HollyHeart, Edison, Lucky, Uh-Oh, Princess Cissy,...and "Jack,
Sassy-too, and Angel"...
Awaiting..."Lefty"... =
And holding "Lil Bear" and "Geezer" close in my Heart...
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, Narmy, OldGuy, and
the biggest piece of my heart, Charlie!
The Ferrets' Pages...
[Posted in FML issue 3417]