Hello everybody!  Mommie is a weird one.  Like you didn't know that anyway!
She spent $7 trying to win a fish at the fair in Brampton last weekend.
She felt sorry for all the fish in tiny plastic glasses.  Well, she didn't
win one, so she went to the local fish store and "rescued" a Siamese
Fighter Fish.  Hummmm.... my mommie's weird.
Fox, one of the ferrets that came in from London was at the vet's this
week.  His feet are swelling kind of like what our Bandit had a couple of
years ago.  We are hoping that it's not the same illness Bandet had, but
we did a biopsy to see and we are waiting for the test results.
Snoopy found a home this week.  She went to a nice family who will love her
a lot.  Dante may have found a home as well, we are just waiting to see how
that goes.
Patch, Fox's brother is getting ready for surgery too.  He has a small mass
on the tip of his tail.  He usually gives kisses to mommie, but when she
told him he was going to have to have surgery, he stopped kissing her and
squirmed to get down.  He's over it now and gave her kisses last night.
As for me, i'm still not doing so well.  I have to go back for a flush this
week to see how things are going.  i'm still really playful and happy, but
you know how mommie worries about me.
Please give all your fuzzies a kiss from me and have a GREAT week!
Love, Harley "Bug"
[Posted in FML issue 3416]