Hi everyone.  I just wanted to share what happened to me and my lil Panda
dirl yesterday.
She likes to go into the laundry closet where the washer and dryer are.
Unfortunatley I found out that she can get in there but can't get back out.
My daughter, being as small as she is, is able to get back there and get
her out of the tight spot but she wasn't home at the time.
I always put the fuzzies in their cage before I leave the house for a bit,
but alas, I couldn't get to Panda.  She wanted out of there but I couldn't
get back there to get her.  I tried to scruff her when she stood on her
two hind legs and reach up to me, but it didn't work.  Still couldn't
reach her.
So what appeared to be an emergency rescue, (because I learned on an FML
post a day or two ago, they can get in the dryer hose) I wasn't about to
leave her back there until my daughter got home.  So I was determined to
get her out.  I decided to air lift her.  I grabbed a towel and dangled it
back there and after a few attempts, she finally got hold of the towel and
I raised her up to where I could finally grab hold of her.  It really was
funny.  Looked like I was the helicopter and she was the danzel in distress
in the rapids or something.  This was a real team effort on lil pandas and
mine :o)  Oops gotta go!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She's digging up a caterpillar grave.
I say she's a busy gal!!  (my daughter buried one that she found in a spidy
Maryanne and the trio.... Max, Panda and Ling Ling
[Posted in FML issue 3416]