Hey evwebody Maxi here from da Fabulous '4' we waz so excited todey.  Well
guess what evwebody, we receives our Kouri Fan Club Memberships and stuff
in da mail.  We waz soooo happy dats we were dancing, dooking, bouncing,
heehee's and well yu knows all them happy tings we do.  Mom opened the
envewope for us and when I wents in to pulls evweting out I seen this paper
tingy dat says for Fuzzy Eyes Only, well good tings I saw dat.  Mom waz
about to pick it up and looks at it, I grabs it and ran to puts it in our
hidey hole.  Whew, dat waz close.  Mom almost saw da top secwet.  We loves
da picture, mom says she is going to get a very nice fwame to puts it in.
We four are discussing on where da sticker goes.
"Waves and Dooks" to yu Kouri tank yu soooo much for da package.  We here
is all happy and tinks dat evwebody at your club is doing a wondeful job.
Hugs from,
Maxi, Maxine, Booger & Buddy
[Posted in FML issue 3415]