Fellow FMLers,
Gary wrote:
>If you live outside of New York City, give your real name and your address
>as the following:
>P.O. Box 268
>New York, NY 10028
My suspicion is that this would backfire big-time!  They'll have the
ability to see where mails come from and having a bunch of out-of-state
calls claiming to be in-state will make them question even the legitimate
NYC calls.  When states that were successful in changing their laws were
working on that we were always told to be honest about where we live!
We have gotten in touch but what we said was that we changed our
recreation/vacation plans and purchasing plans to exclude NYC as long
as ferrets are banned.  We've let CA know that, too.  Pays to let their
tourist offices know that as well for feed-back purposes, and if there a
re places there from which you usually purchase, like we do, you can call
and say that you are sorry but for a while you have to use their non-NYC
competitors because of this so if they'd let the mayor's office know that
this ban is losing them business it might help change things faster.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT be confrontational!  Getting that way is not only
shooting yourself in the foot but every other ferret person and ferret.
Remember the city council member who felt so badly abused that he voted
against ferrets even though he said that he knows that they are safe!
Bad tempers are our own worst enemies as well as the worst enemy of every
NYC ferret and ferret-person!
[Posted in FML issue 3415]