NY City Council Member Una Clarke (D-Brooklyn) voted NO on approving the
ferret bill (INTRO 627a) in the Health Committee two weeks ago, and today
her staff assistant told me she was unlikely to change her vote next week
at the full council vote.
Council Member Clarke still believes ferrets are wild animals and has
spoken to Health Commissioner Neal Cohen and believes his anti-ferret
propaganda.  I spoke at length about the disputed issues with her
assistant, who seemed helpless to influence her boss's mind.
Despite the fact that she has constituents who own ferrets, she is
term-limited out this year, and she has a real nasty and dismissive
attitiude.  So she needs to feel the wrath of her constituents and other
New Yorkers about her intolerant, ignorant attitude NOW.
Please call her and voice your feeling about her refusal to weigh in on
the facts.  Phone calls do work with politicians, and the more the better.
Una Clarke
district office: 718-287-8762
fax: 718-287-8917
City Hall office: 212-788-7352
fax: 212-788-8087
[Posted in FML issue 3405]