Ok so I"m online..but I have if you can imagine hundreds of emails....that
all have to be answered (many of themare concerning questions on autism and
questions regarding ferrets).  So its going to be days and days before that
is done and I can be on icq and IM, as well as correspond via email.
It will be weeks before I will settle down..  you see I had an accident
moving... I'm ok...but laid up.  So I'm way way behind on evvvvverything
here in the new home.  You see a large chest of dresser drawers and a
nightstand physically attacked me when I was trying to get my beloved
computer chair off the moving truck.  Being the nimble petite flower that I
am, I was able to jump out of the way but the suckers nailed my leg.  No
breaks as once thought.  Nope.  The cast is off, its just a bad sprain,
and stitches.
For those that know me well I also went through a lot moving..  I cried
many a night.  I'm ok though... getting much better.  But I'm still shook.
I nailed the little old ladies Saturn accross the street last Saturday.
Yup.. nailed the sucker.  Boom.  I was shook up as my boys were arguing..
they stopped, but I didn't (in everyway).  I began to back up as I was
yelling at them in the car upset thinking "thats not really driving while
being upset...so backing up is ok while I yell at them".  I was not used to
the upward incline on the driveway also.  Then bam.  Yup.  I hobble across
the street on my crutches at 8 am on a weekend to tell this sweet little
old lady I just hit her car, and what does she do?  Invites me in for tea.
WELCOME TO THE SOUTH.  lol.  She'll probably sue my ass though..  nah just
kidding (i hope).
It's been rather.................... exciting here.  There is a squirrel
named Nuts in my attic.  He runs back and forth all day.  But Scott says
there is no Nuts the squirrel.  He says its a dozen squirrels running back
and forth on our roof from tree to tree having parties and It just sounds
like one crazy one stuck in the attic.  I still want him to investigate to
make sure.  But alas the wimp is scared to stick his head up there.  He's
thinking, "but what if she's right...... whu.........whu....what if I end
up like Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation?!" LMAO.  Actually folks....he's
scared of spiders I think.
Chet is in hog high heavan in every way shape and form.  And all the girls
here want him.  I mean WANT him.  They are driving me nuts.  They openly
tell me they want him for a boyfriend.  Ugh!
I was walking in one day and I lost Sean.  I find him on the sidewalk in
the front of the house squatted down like a frog flapping his hands in
exasperation.  Paniced, he says, "mommy....its a buuuuuug...omg...moommy
its here...by our house... oh no, oh no...!!"  He never saw a catapillar
like this in real life before.  He was horrified that it was at least not
in the woods where they belong.  In his autistic mind it was "in the house"
as the sidewalk to him is connected to the house.  What an escapade.  He
did revert for a few days like that...but in a Sean way...not a bad way.
He is back to normal already except he wants to sleep a lot.
Scott.  OK Scott wants to rip up everything and go to town here.  OH god.
And I'm like please don't so much as move the food in the refrigerator
until I"m back to normal.  LOL.  He is in "guy heaven".
Ferrets.  Scary.  They were upset and stopped eating some.  Their poopies
were scant and runny.  They acted very odd... wouldn't play or anything.
Oh except for our Rocky who was in heaven in his new room with all the toys
etc.  We all know he has a few Christmas lights out there, so no surprise
there.  Next to act normal was Laddie a couple days ago.  But Ping and Pong
were upset all the way until last night...then they finally danced.  Poor
Toady aka Smoke.  He looks horrid without his winter fur... he has lost a
little weight, and misses me horribly.  I've been trying to spend more time
with him alone but its too hard right now.  Rocky still has an agenda to
kill him.  But ..buuuut Toady is assimilated into the rest of the group
alright.  I still think we have yet to see the real Toady.  Poor thing,
he lost mommy Kim, then traveled so much, then got used to our apart a
little,,,,,, now he's here.  God I hate it for him.
ok gotta go do my hundreds of emails.  PLease hold up any jokes and email
as much as possible for the next week ok?
thanks a bunch!
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[Posted in FML issue 3413]