Hello everyone!
I was wondering if anyone has ever had to deal with a broken toe and a
ferret before?  My ferret Mahwah decided to play with the canned goods the
other day and knocked a can of spaghetti o's onto her foot!  *ouch enough
for me let alone a ferret*  I took her to the vet in this area that I trust
most with ferrets (Metzger) and they tried to put a splint on her...she
just wasn't going to have that!  So now she is just confined to my bedroom
for the next 3 or 4 weeks to help heal it up.  The funny thing is that she
doesn't seem to behave much differently than before - she still stands up
begging for raisins, climbs all of my furniture all of the time, and fights
with her brother just the same!  She's a spirited one I tell ya!  Let me
know what kind of experience you may have had with a broken ferret toe...!
[Posted in FML issue 3412]