I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you who sent their wishes,
condolences, cards, and thoughts about the loss of Simon and Christina.
I would have liked to have responded personally to each, but, the amount
of mails was overwhelming.  That and my heart and mind are still not all
Losing one is difficult, losing two so close together is so harsh.
Thank you all . . .
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Kritter Crew
~Lacey~Hershey~Sprite~Cuddles~Java~Miss Priss~Cinna~Racer~Patch~
and Mist the Fer-Kat
Fosters - ~Nippy~Stubbie~Carrie Jo~Pootsie~Sheba~Alyssa~
Guardian Fur-Angels -
~Furrice~Lady~Zeus~Rascal~Socks~Muttley~Dookesbury~Little Boy~Willie~Robin
Please see KITY=^..^=KAT's Fur Faces, Memorial for Zeus
Prayers to the ill and those who have gone before us.  Hug your fuzzies
while you can, hold them in your heart when you can't.
[Posted in FML issue 3412]