Court was on May 1, 2001, but I was in the hospital again so my lawyer
expressed my concerns and plea.  Instead of fighting the city, I plead
guilty to unlawful storage of a vehicle in my driveway, and in the return,
the city has given us 90 days to tear down Ferretland, reduce the number of
ferrets in our house to 10, no more volunteers period, and all clients must
make an appt.  Now the plan is.....find a house to buy in 90 days that is
agriculturally zoned and get the approval of the city council of that city,
so that our webmaster can lease our house.  Ferretland will not be torn
down and we will continue to rescue ferrets from all over the country like
we have been doing, only do it bigger and better than before.  The city
of Saudi Aurora can go on practicing their nazi tactics on someone else.
After we relocate.  our lawyer may consider suing the city for violating
our civil and constitutional rights.  It seems illegal for them to make and
enforce a law that can tell you who and when some one cqan come into your
house, and what youcan do in the privacy of your own back yard.(play with
ferrets)We even asked the city if we kept the number of ferrets down to 10
if we could keep ferretland in the back yard for our own personal ferrets
to play in and they said absolutely not.  Isn't that like telling someone
with twolegged kids they can't have a swingset in the backyard for the
kids?  My lawyer felt that the trial wouldn't help my health none at the
time and now I can work on getting better so we start over again.  There
has been an outpouring of support from all over the world in the form of
letters and offers to take ferrets.  We have hardly any adoptable ferrets
now.  We will take up the offers of help in moving and yes there have even
been a few monetary donations that are greatly appreciated.  We are hoping
that with all the media exposure, someone with big bucks will come through
and help us through this.  If not, we will continue to do this one step at
a time.  like we have done in the past..
Thank you all for your encouragement and support.  Without you all, surely
we would have been doomed.
Hugs to all,
[Posted in FML issue 3412]