I was recently informed that the Wild life world Zoo in phoenix Az. has
a domestic ferret in theri "wild life" display.  The poor animal is in a
small aquarium, and looks like it hasnt had its nails trimmed in a long
atime according to the Email.  This situation is appaling!  Please pass
this info on and if anyone lives in that area, please encourage them to
visit the Zoo, and complain to management.  Their website is
But Ive had trouble getting emails to go through.  Their address is 16501
W.Norhtern Ave.  Litchfeild Pk. Az 85340 and phone is (623) 935-9453.
Please encourage everyone to respond to this in any way they can until
they turn that poor ferret over to someone to care for it.  Please keep
me posted, and Ill keep others at the ferretstore message board posted!
Thank you!
[Posted in FML issue 3412]