Sorry I'm a bit behind on reading my messages, but here's my stand on
heartworm preventitive:
Heartworm is a very preventable, yet deadly infestation of worms in the
heart, and sometimes other tissues, of our dear pets.  It is so preventable
through heartworm medications.  Heartworm is passed by a mosquito biting an
infected animal and then biting an uninfected one.  We all know mosquitos
can get inside our homes, so why should we not protect our indoor pets?
I hate to sound so harsh on this issue, but when I was in vet tech school,
we saw the results of heartworm infestations.  While a full sized dog can
continue to live with a few worms in his heart, just one worm can kill a
cat easily.  Imagine what one little worm can do to our poor fuzzies!  Also
consider that these worms sometimes get "lost" and miss the heart.  They
can end up in any tissues of the body, including eyes, cheeks, liver,
intestines, etc....
Please, everyone, protect your poor fuzzies. It's not hard, or expensive.
I personally use a liquid ivermectin (same as in heartguard, etc).  A
bottle will last me about 2 years and only costs $12.  This is enough
for two ferrets.
Anyway, that's enough of a soapbox for me :)
Natalie and the *3* furry snakes
[Posted in FML issue 3411]