Hi All,
I don't know if any of you remember me.  My name is Geoff I joined the FML
a little over a year ago when I got my first ferret.  I posted a letter
that first day telling how I had gone to the pet store in search for a
ferret.  When I got there there were allot of them in an enclosure and
they all seemed to be having a great time jumping and playing.  But one a
little brown sable female seem to single her self out she seemed to be as
interested in me as I was in her.  I decided that she had chosen me and I
her.  When I stood up to head for the register I heard something and turned
around and there was a panda female trying her damnedest to follow us.
Well ferret math hit me early I picked her up too.  From that moment on
we have been inseparable.
But tonight something horrible happened.  I had let them out to play along
with there new little brother Banjo.  Riki the little brow sable seemed so
happy to see me tonight.  She is normally the quiet one but tonight she
was acted different.  Well Daisy my panda female was under the living room
chair digging at the cushion witch she knows she should never do.  I picked
up the chair scruffed her and carried her back to the cage then I went back
and laid on the couch to watch the others play I realized in seconds the
there was no Riki just Banjo and he seemed frantic.  I started calling for
Riki.  Nothing she was no where to be seen.  Suddenly a thought of dread
came over me like nothing I have ever felt in my life.  I jumped off the
couch and picked up that chair and there she lay the back support of the
chair had come down on her chest when I put the chair down.  I picked her
up but she was already gone.  My first little baby fuzzy was gone.
Needless to say my mom sleeping down the hall her me scream not to mention
probably half the neighborhood.  She was still warm I tryed everthing to
reavive her but she was gone.  I feel terable, words can not express the
way I feel right now.  I keep telling myself it was just an acsodent and
that I should not blame myself but I can't help feeling it was my fault.
Maybe she was so full of life tonight because she new her life was at an
end.  I can't help but feel lost and just plain useless right now.  I laid
her in a small grave behind the shed in my back lawn and said the lord's
prayer as I covered her up.  I will never forget my little Riki she gave me
so much joy.  I loved her so very much.  She deserved to die of old age not
this way.  I'm sorry this post was so long I just needed to sit down and
calm down.  I thought that this would help.  Thanks for reading all of this
if you did.
Daisy & Banjo
[Posted in FML issue 3411]