Good Morning All;
I would like to introduce everyone to my newest addition.  Her name is
Kiara.  I adopted Kiara Saturday, April 29th of 2001.  We think that she
is somewhere between six and one months and seven months.  Kiara is a
black sable with a white undercoat.  A very good looking young girl.  The
unfortunate thing with Kiara is that she is totally deaf.  But that will
not matter one bit.  She has a forever home right here.
She likes to be held and cuddled and she is finding out that kisses are a
pretty good thing as well.  She uses her litter box religiously.  She eats
like there is no tomorrow.  And her coat is nice and soft and shiny(healthy
I have her caged with my other black sable(my other black sable has a cream
colored undercoat).  They are behaving like two little girls.  We have no
fights, we have had a couple of squabbles(? sp).  And it is always over,
something silly.  But for the most part they get along just great.
Thank you everyone for listening.  As you can tell I am very proud of
Kiara, she is a beauty.
Thank You all and hug all of your fuzzies,
[Posted in FML issue 3411]