Hi all,
I rescued a breeder female from a poultry auction today and i need advice.
She seems to just have been bred, her teats are still producing milk and
she is shedding.  her vulva is also enlarged like she just gave birth.
Can I get her fixed asap or is she in heat again?
she was in bad shape, crammed into a little 1 foot by 10 inch by 6 inch
wire box.  she has a round lump on her scruff like a cyst - it's soft and
squishy and doesn't appear to be sore.  I'm not sure what it might be yet,
if anyone might know please post or email me.
her toenails were so long some had split and her toes were curling under as
she stood.
She was just one out of 4 unfixed females and a big hob who had a growth on
his eye.  I got her for 25 dollars and wish i could have bought the rest so
i could save them.  we left early because we didn't want to see the rest of
the animals they had mistreated.
I got her home and cut the wires on the cage, pulled her out and she is
such a sweetie - all bewildered and lost but not mean.  I gave her some
water and ferretvite and got the nails done.  Then I brushed out the feces,
pine and loose fur before letting her go back to drinking - she was a hot
and thirsty girl.  I put her in a large box for the moment so I could get
her inside, she still smelled so bad I had to give her a bath.  Big mistake
The first dip in the water was ok - as well as the shampooing - but she
didn't like the first rinse and grabbed ahold of my palm and sunk in two of
those big ol teeth lol.  I finished rinsing her off then reached down to
pick her up for the conditioner cycle lol - she grabbed my thumb - she was
not happy lol.  I finally got a hold of her and put some conditioner on
her and reached over to switch hands so I could rub it in - this time she
grabbed my ring finger and almost ripped out a pea size chunk.  Can you
say OUCH!  lmfao.
I'm a lil bit scared of her now - i need to buy some gloves lol.  Poor
   /\\    ____  ,^-o,
     ``-,'    `-';~~
        `^^    `^^
PS: Sorry for double-posting
[A later P.S.}
I forgot (sorry Bill) to mention - we named her Aika after one of our
favorite anime characters that's just as dainty and prissy =)
[Posted in FML issue 3410]