Just spray 1 -2 sprays per pound on the back and sides.  If you have ear
mites then also spray some into the ears and on the top of the neck.
Usually 1 spray per pound works just fine.  The spray version of
Frontline last for 30 days.
 Jerry Murray, DVM
You can use Frontline (spray or spot on) to keep the ticks off your
ferrets.  I do not know any product that prevents mosquito bites;
however, heartworm disease is something to also worry about if you are
in a high mosquito area.
 Jerry Murray, DVM
In addition to Dr. Murray's comments, you may want to try a dilute solution
of Avon's Skin-so-soft as a non-toxic way to diminish mosquito bites (both
on you and your ferrets).  This product has been used by animal owners for
many years, while Avon was still marketing it as a humidifier for human
skin.  I heard that recently, they finally acknowledged its unique ability
to keep mosquitoes at bay.
With kindest regards,
Bruce H. Williams, DVM, DACVP
Join the Ferret Health List at
[Posted in FML issue 3404]