~dooks and waves to everyone~
I'm new to the list, Ive been reading it for about 2 weeks now though and
gathering lots of info I didnt know about my little fuzzbutts.  I have 2 of
them Faoli (pronounced Fewly) and Fiona.  Foali is about 9 months old and
Fiona is only about 14 weeks (I have had her for about 3 weeks) When I got
Fiona all she did was cry this awful sound for the first 2 days and she
would only be quite if we were holding her, but then she calmed down, and
now she only cries when Foali is playing with her...He's still trying to
drag her by the scuff to his stash hidey holes, and then he's constantly
on top of her when they are running around too...Fiona gets him back when
he's sleeping by yanking on the scruff of his neck and shaking her head.
(I dont really know if I should encourage this behavior, but it only seems
fair and Im always yelling at Faoli to stop making Fiona whine)
So thats y first question and my second one is that Fiona's bum is an
outtie instead of an innie...and it has been since I got her a few weeks
ago, but it seems to be getting worse cause now it looks like it wants to
bleed and theres some pink skin hanging down about a half an inch up her
body from her bum that wasnt there before either and Im really worried.
Her poop is soft and light brown compared to my Faoli's who is darker and a
little more solid.  She doesnt have diarea (SP!?) and she's eating all the
time and drinking all the time, and really playful (an AWFUL biter though,
can't seem to make her stop~ i think it might be because she's in pain
from her bum or something) So I just need some advice I guess
Oh and sorry for the length but Im really worried about my new girl..
Rae & Faoli & Fiona
[Posted in FML issue 3408]