I am sorry for your loss.  Coccidia is not uncommon in the U.S., and
life-threatening conditions occur most often in kits.  Adults tend to
tolerate and eventually clear the infection.  Dengerous infection may
occur in the very young and very old.
Coccidia infect the lining of the intestinal tract, and in younger animals,
almost every cell is infected withthe organism.  The organisms tend to
hatch all at one, resulting intotal denudation of segments of intestine,
with hemorrhage, and absorption of intestinal contents directly into the
In most cases, diarrhea is a consistent sign, and in severe cases, the
diarrhea may be bloody (some of the blood coming from shock as well.)
So, look for diarrhea.
Coccidia generally respond well to administration of Albon, a sulfa- based
antibiotic.  It is important to treat all ferrets which have had more than
transient exposure to infected animals.
With kindest regards,
Bruce H. Williams, DVM, DACVP
Join the Ferret Health List at
[Posted in FML issue 3407]