What is that?  What you're saying?  The mythical Mr. Percy?  Did you mean
mercurial?  What it must take to be married to me?  Hey, all ya gotta do
is be way laid back and not get in a dither over trivial stuff!  Like when
I rip a wall out for instance, or say I want a door where now there is a
window.  Trivial.  You laid back?  You were thinking of the boat weren't
you?  Like there weren't any boats where I live and I had to find one
clear across the US.
Well guess what - now the ferrets have a boat too.  It's 8 feet long and 5
wide, and has only peddle power.  I'm going to run a plastic chain across
the seat area, and hook each ferret to the chain by his/her harness.  The
pictures will be on the Kouri Fan Klub website in a couple of days.  Ron,
you'll get special notice when this happens.
On another note - over the holiday weekend I put ferrets outside in the old
original cage we had.  Immediately, Welly (Kouri was not present and Welly
is 2nd in command) began beating on other ferrets.  After removing all the
girls it was peaceful for the rest of the afternoon.  But when I brought
the 4 boys (I'd added Kouri to the outside group) back in, Kouri throughly
trounced several of the girls.  I've seen this happen before when we would
move the ferrets to a different area.  Each time there is a change, in
either the space they have, or who occupies the space, they seem to have
to re-establish the pecking order.
I believe this is one of the reasons we have such difficulty introducing
new ferrets.  When they squabble we intervene and 'rescue' the new one.
Each time they are put together they fight.  When Kouri beats on the girls
I almost always pick them up and scold him.  This does no good, as he
resumes his behavior when I put the girl back.  Sigh...
Georgia the left coast one...
[Posted in FML issue 3434]