Hi all
I am losing chewweasels faster than I can find them.  I think I have to
find another spot to hide them.
A little girl came in named Ronja.  She waz met by Benjamin and Bino.
They were happy to see each other and greeted each other warmly.  They
were really interested in da happenings at home especially all da gossip
an news.  They sat and talked for some time.  They were interested in some
milk.  Do you think we have milk here.  Of course we do.  It is not good
for ferrets but who cares.  After dat they were off to get a snack on da
Fruit Bar.  The were delayed there for some time.  Then it waz off to do a
litle exploring and see all da sights and attractions.  They finally ended
up over at Dirt Mountain where they wanted to dig for da fun of it.  They
dug and dug and dirt waz flying everywhere.  I think they wanted to dig
right through da mountain but dat can't be done.  She said to send lots of
hugs and kisses to her mommy along with her luv.
I am off to find another hidey hole and get me some more cheweasels.
Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3434]