Thanks to everyone's awesome suggestions for treating my new residents!!
My smallest, 3 year old Brian who weighs in at 1 pound, is being fed 4x
daily, Gerber 2nd Stage Chicken Baby Food.  We are hydrating him (still
forced) with 60cc's of fluid about 4-5 times per day.  He is our weakest
and I am not sure if he is going to pull through this.
His brother Justin is about 2.5lbs and is still in good spirits.  We are
feeding him the same diet and liquids.  Although Justin is in better shape,
he is fighting the food and hydration much more than Brian is.
My other two, 1.5 year old Charlie and 8 month old Mel show no signs.  They
have been isolated since the first discovery of the "greenies" and seem to
be doing ok.
Any other care suggestions, please feel free to offer them!!
[Posted in FML issue 3433]