Remember our photo campaign in which we sent cute and loving domestic
ferret photos to the NY Times to show them that our guys aren't the BFFs
they had consistently depicted?  I heard today from Mary at Modern Ferret
(She and Eric spend a lot of time helping with ferret-legislation issues,
something no other ferret magazine does.) that this technique worked, and
that the NY Times printed a more than 100 word correction on May 11th.
Unfortunately, I missed it.  Shucks...
There is a sweet ferret letter in there today in their Metro section
regular "Diary" column.
Sometimes photos of ferrets in birthday hats, or kissing kids will work
when nothing else will -- a picture can be worth a thousand words!  Can't
you just imagine a CA demonstration in which everyone has a placard with
one of an assortment of touching ferret photos and no text, and for which
people send loving and cute ferret photos to all of the major CA newspapers
and tv stations (addresses of which some CA groups could provide if they
like the idea) with non-CA people including permission to publish/show
without alterations?
[Posted in FML issue 3433]