Oooo Misty girl wish I had a playdate wif you!  Ok, yes the Stormy is
cute, but I am younger!
I am so dook, dook, yu put dat post on the FML cause I jests wants to show
all dose Canucks out there that haven't joined the Kouri Fan Klub just what
theys missing.
Da Mom put da really autographed pix of my hero Kouri up on da wall.  I
don no why she put it so far up cause now I can't reach it anymore and
take it to my hidey.  Humph, want to look herself.  Kouri is MY Hero!
And Misty girl, you won first prize too. Wow, we ARE Canadian, eh?
I hear dares another draw.  Maybe I can check out deese Kouri pages but
they are so funny I start da dance n' dookin an fall off the chair!
You can put that sweet little pix I saw da Mom lookin at on dare too.
Toby the Kouri Wannabe Kanadian Rep
 ....ok, Stormy is a good model besides he's busy right now trying to
get bucks for da shelter kids and stuff.=20
Winnings will benefit ADV research and shelter ferrets.
Please vote for Stormy
       and here
May 10 to June 10
[Posted in FML issue 3432]