>Randy wrote:
>>I really don't want to start a raging debate on gov', but doesn't the US
>>Constitution provide a gov't that is for the people and by the people?
>>What is happening to the majority rules, and voting of the people being
>>their voice to uphold what they want?
>Yes, it does.  And you can bet that if every one of the 100,000 ferret
>owners in California took thirty minutes of their time to write to the
>governor and their legislators asking them to legalize ferrets, there
>would be fuzz-butts walking the streets and beaches before you knew it.
Wow!  Kudos!  That was PERFECTLY said, Julie!  Wow, and double-wow!
Ela wrote:
>>With plants, you NEVER know the exact dosage because the concentration of
>>of the drug can vary from plant to plant, and even from leaf to leaf.
>I thought the rest of your post was excellent, Sukie.
I think that you are quoting the cross-post that Bob Church wrote, Ela!
I just carry them over.  Yes, he did a good job.  Thank you for letting
us all know that there are some which have settled on standards after the
industry just talking about it before; that is a very good thing!  Some
non-standardized ones have been found on testing to range all over the
***** HOW does a person tell easily which ones are standardized?  I have
not found that on the preps here.  Would love to know and am sure others
would, too.*****
There ARE good publications which tell both the good and the bad of
herbals.  (Ela knows this, but not everyone else might.)  Here are three
of them: _PDR for Herbal Medicines_ (1-888-859-8053. fax 1-515-284-6714,
[log in to unmask], PDR, POB 10689.  Des Moines, IA 50336) which
runs about $60 and does call for having a medical dictionary handy for
most of us though those who are more perfect <G> or have a medical
background will be okay.
Tow other fine ones are by Varro Tyler and are _Tyler's Honest Herbal_
and Tyler's Herbs of Choice_ which are more affordable and can be gotten
from Haworth Herbal Press, 10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY 13904-1580,
http://www.haworthpressinc.com, 1-800-haworth, fax 1-800-895-0582.
Several years ago I just stopped buying the herbal books that won't put
in precautions, drug interactions, medical conditions that contraindicate
use, and studies to support claims.  Those without such things are trashy
and talk down to the reader while having the potential to cause harm.  Of
course if you really have money you could buy a translation of the full
Commission E reports, but the PDR specifically notes which are Commission E
approved as give the essentials in its about 800 pages, and it's easy to
use except for needing that dictionary -- so it gives a fun education.
BTW, PDR = Physician's Desk Reference.
[Posted in FML issue 3430]