Zen commented
>In the show world you are not a significant player.
Wow, zen, this combination of words really did drive the point home to me.
Because from my perspective that's exactly the problem... "Playing" at
shows at the risk of the health of the animals the show is supposed to be
supporting & promoting.  And from the facts I have, it's the only opinion
I can form.
Having been through a horrendous year-long waking nightmare because of the
possibility that over 100 ferrets I had direct and indirect resposiblity
for might have been exposed.... I DON'T play any games or take ANY chances.
I read every available tech paper and warted the fool out of a lot of
doctors, researchers, and ferret owners with ADV positive ferrets with
endless questions and requests for clarification to learn how likely it
could be that my shelter (& through it, others) had been contaminated.
When the facts change, my opinion will change.
Zen's next comment
>You have not been become a leader in the ADV hysteria and that is a
There are some folks here in Texas that'll diagree on that one, hon.  I'd
rather lead the Anti-show hysteria than the slaughter of innocents.
You think I might have a different opinion if I had a really georgeous
ferret with a true-blue blood line that truely, truely deserved to be
named the best?
Who the heck would want the best dead ferret?
Thanks for making the ECE/group disbanding issue a little clearer for the
rest of us non-players.
Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home
[Posted in FML issue 3430]