::Through a mist a robed woman appears pulling a little red wagon filled
with depends.  Cute little furry creatures called ferrets dance about.  A
man with a ferret upon his shoulder appears in the background::
Greetings!  What a load for you all!  I have the most .... wait....
::she puts her hand to her head and concentrates::
 ... oh I am having a vision... of .. of pots, and ferrets....and crumbs,
and oh it's getting clearer... ferrets with pots chasing flapping turkeys,
thats it!  Nononono... ::she shakes her head and tries again::
There it is..... wanna see what I am seeing?  Go here!
Isn't that somthing to behold?  Whew!  ::she sways:: Another vision... OH
OH I predict Stormy to be in first place in the photo contest!  But I can
not see if he will win yet.  You must go vote to make sure he does!
I have something so wonderful for you ferretheads today but... first I want
to ask if you checked out this new Kouri Fan Klub Member page?  NO?  OH, ok
it's different from yesterdays.... many wonderful pics of members.... your
ferrets could be up there too!  YOU could be up there too....
Check THAT out.  Neat huh?  I'm asking as the Great Robed One to please
join.  It' so much fun.  And all proceeds go to shelters and adv.  I mean
look at your fuzzies faces.  You know they all want to aspire to be like
the ferretiest ferret of all -- Kouri!
Back to what I really came here for.  ::she reaches down into the depths
of the teeny red wagon.  White depends fly everywhere.  she brings out
something large and heavy:: Behold, puppets....... behold a story of
survival.  Behold a story of a soul that wanted to live and to love so
much he over came all odds.  Behold a story of rescue, and many who
sacrificed for this little soul by opening up their hearts to him.  I
give you -- Geezer's Story
::glitter flies into the air as she gives everyon this wonderful gift::
I want you to make sure, you click on all the fantastic, compelling picture
links on these pages.  You won't be sorry.  :)
::She packs up her depends in her wagon..  searches for a staff that seems
to have been lost in the move.  She shakes her head, shrugs, and .....poof,
she is gone::
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3429]