The cancer you speak of, as most of us who care know, is not only infecting
our ferret interests, but our general lives as well.  Depending on your
point of view, (eyes closed by the entrapments of capitalistic pursuits and
the breeder/jones' disease or well aware and smelling the stench of Chinese
tollatarianism on American soil) the government from the town pee-ons on up
has taken a nosedive in the ethics established by the old dead white dudes
that founded it.
The bottom line is immoral politics driven by greed for power, money,
and control.  The Constitution was so pissed on for the last 8 years by
the last Presidential administration and it's effects trickled down (tell
me Regan wasn't right about that theory) to just about every level of
government.  Folks got fat and lazy, bought gas guzzling SUVs, believed the
lies that all was well and good and that government would take care of all
their problems.  What they didn't see coming was the sell-out of many of
their freedoms and the opening of a door that allowed the lawyers, special
interests, and politicians to basically rape them and undermine the very
basis of the Constitution, WE THE PEOPLE.
The media feeding lies till they became common truths in the minds of the
moronicans didn't help matters either.  The whole NYC situation was brought
to light by, (and I remember this very clearly) an illegal immigrants kid
being "attacked" by their own pet ferret and the story was run over and
over and over on CNN, which filtered down to every other station till it
was imbedded in the minds of everyone as a bad thing.  Then Rudy-Poo makes
it an issue, which is more news for the masses to distract themselves with.
This power play by government goons against the people it is elected to
serve is propagated by the media that is their tool for brainwashing the
stupid.  And it's not getting any better.
It was written a long time ago about what is happening to our country now.
Although the author isn't to well respected and some of his views not well
received, you can read almost blow by blow the disease that is infecting
this country as we live and breath.  I will not name this person or his
book because I don't need the flack from those that think they know better
just because they have been fed lies most of their lives.  Those of you
with open minds know how to reach me.
Suffice to say, this country is in deep do if real Americans don't stand up
and start giving those that forget who they work for a wake up call, and
not let the media or these politicians make it a big circus that they can
turn into a joke.
"If we don't take action now, we'll settle for nothing later."
 - Rage Against the Machine
Have a nice day,
[Posted in FML issue 3428]