>Tish has lymphosarcoma and her submandibular nodes are quite swollen.
>For the past week we were supplementing her hard kibble diet with gruel
>(ground kibble, water, ensure) mixed to a thick milkshake consistency,
>she had that twice a day.  We noticed she had stopped eating dry kibble a
>couple days ago and started her on gruel every 8 hours.  She had slowly
>started eating less and less of the gruel and now she is refusing it.  I
>think it is hurting her throat too much to eat it.  I mixed extra water
>in and she drank a bit but that way she isn't getting much of the kibble,
>just the water and ensure.  Is there any completely liquid diet that is
>nutritional enough to support a ferret?  And tasty too?  She's quite picky
>and refuses A/D and chicken baby food.
Deliver 2.0 is a prescription liquid protein diet that I've had very good
luck with.  I usually mix in chicken baby food, but many ferrets prefer
it straight.  Your vet can order it for you.
>She is on .3 ml of .5 mg prednisolone every 12 hours.  Should I ask the
>vet to up her dose, or is there anything else I could do to help with her
>discomfort eating?
I'd talk to your vet about increasing the dose and possibly adding other
Best of luck,
-Dr. Karen
This e-mail is provided for general informational purposes only.  It is
in no way intended as a replacement for a consultation with a qualified
licensed veterinarian.  If you are concerned about your pet's health, you
should seek the advice of your regular veterinarian as soon as possible.
[FML moderator's note: Just a clarification: Deliver 2.0 is classified as
a nutritional product and does not require a prescription.  Any pharmacy
can order it for you though it might take a day or two to get -- it is not
usually stocked.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3427]