Hi all, has anyone ever noticed something like this, and do you think this
is something I should worry about?
I've had ferrets for 8 years but this is a bit new.  My newest baby is a
year and a half old.  She has *always* had odd poos.  Otherwise she's
really healthy.  Full of energy, great fur, really spunky but her poos are
always tiny and a little granular.  She hops into and out of the litterbox
several times before producing one of her little poos.  I've gone through
GI blockages before and I am feeling fairly strong that this isn't one...
there are none of the other symptoms (vomiting, weight loss dehydration,
not eating etc)
Any thoughts?  She's a beautiful (deaf) blaze, in case anyone knows of any
health-related issues with this colour line.
[Posted in FML issue 3427]