You asked for tips on how to help them adjust to the move.
1. Don't wash their bedding.  Leave their smell and the smell of their
old home on it.
2. If you have time maybe take them for a day trip over there before you
bring your furniture in.
3. Maybe you can bring something like a curtain or towel that has been at
the new place for a while to your old home for the ferrets to smell.
4. Don't change their cage (I think you said they had free roam though)
5. After you move in let them get used to the new house one room at a
time.  (it will help them and you when it comes to marking their territory.
If they don't have a whole house to "mark" they will get used to using
their litterboxes easier in a new place easier) Ferrets know a house
because their scent is all over it, lets face it that musk is pervasive.
Even to us and their little noses are much more sensitive.
6. Don't wash their litter boxes.  Dump the dirty litter, of course, but
leave dust and small poop smears (eeewww!) to help add their scent to the
Don't get me wrong, none of this is going to fool them but it will help
convince them that this new place is safe and is going to be theirs.
Good luck and I'm glad you found a great place to live!
[Posted in FML issue 3406]