While you're at the vets for the flea medicine, why don't you have the
vet check Smoky out?  Especially consider having a blood glucose check.
Chicken with rice baby food, thinned and fed by spoon or syringe if
necessary, is a reasonable temporary food for a sick ferret.
Be sure to follow the direction on the bug bomb CAREFULLY.  It is poison,
and will kill fish, birds, ferrets etc if they get too much exposure.
As for the smell, is Smokey neutered?  Neutered males smell less.  Change
litter often.  Look for piles of poop in hidden corners.  Clean up mistakes
with an enzyme deodorizer like Nature's Miracle followed by Fabreeze on the
spots, especially where he night have urinated.  Change his cloth bedding
every few days.  These things should greatly help any smell.
Our best to you and Smokey
[Posted in FML issue 3426]