>B & D...
>ok...this is something that needed to be known...that there are more
>reasons than just not wanting the adv testing...
>if there are more reasons..then we don't specifically need to know those
>reasons...at least "I" dont...[but the people in charge of the shows DO
>need to know specifics] but we DO need to know that there are more reasons
>than just the testing...so the people don't think it is all because of
>the ADV testing...this negativity about ADV testing is NOT what is needed
>right now...
The negativity about testing is from those cynically claiming that it is
the testing that is making that particular show unpopular.  They really
should consider how their negative personalities is more likely to be the
problem than any testing requirements for the Aleutians virus.  They way
they have treated the two of us over the years is a bigger problem than
testing.  The way their sanctioning organization seems to flaunt their
less than fair judging standards is a bigger problem.
Testing for a fatal disease is way down the list of reasons we know of few
people going.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3424]