as of now...i am OUT of the ADV support business...at least publically...
i will still continue to do what i do behind the scenes... but it appears
i am doing more damage by speaking out...
so...as of now...that is at an end...
i am sorry to all that counted on me for help...but when it gets to my
words pushing the advances that have been made for ADV "back a century"...
i don't feel i should "help" any more...
pissing people off is not the way to help...
i have always tried to keep my words neutral...to help without hurting any
specific person or group...
i have failed...
i ask your forgiveness..from both the people i have hurt and the people i
am letting down...
i am sorry...
KITY= .. =KAT...(a.k.a....FuzzieMom) and her Kollektive "16"
Rascal, Sassy, Wolfie, Monkey(Shine), Meeja, PopPye, Noodles, Sandi-Mandi,
Hope-HollyHeart, Edison, Lucky, Uh-Oh, Princess Cissy,...and "Jack,
Sassy-too, and Angel"...and now!..."Lefty"!!!
And holding "Lil Bear" and "Geezer" close in my Heart...
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, Narmy, OldGuy, and
the biggest piece of my heart, Charlie!
The Ferrets' Pages...
[Posted in FML issue 3424]