>...Am also involved with ferret food companies, but have never and will
>never brag of what what learned from the food industry.  Will let the
>individuals learn for themselves.  So you two are out in left field, IMO.
>And believe me, my knowledge is worth talking about, but am not here to
>judge what one erret likes to eat over another.  Let them eat what they
>want to enjoy eating.
I hate to keep the diet debate alive, since it mostly goes in circles, but
I couldn't help comment on this.  I believe that education of new ferret
owners is important.  That we should share information with others if it
may help someone else.  I would rather learn now that dog food isn't good
for my ferret, then learn it in a year when the ferret has serious health
problems from eating the dog food.
These are the things my ferrets enjoy: Chocolate candy bar, dried fruit,
dog food, cat food ( the junkier the better), pounce cat treats ( main
ingredient is grain), ferretone and laxatone.
Fortunately I have used some common sense, and read a lot on this list,
books and othet sources, so I know what is good for them and much to their
disappointment they only get the other as a small treat once in a while.
I think I have a responsibility to all my animals and children (if I had
any) to give them what is best for them, and not just what they enjoy.  I
work in pediatrics, and hear parents tell me all the time that even though
their child is so anemic I have to consider a blood transfusion, that the
child won't eat anything but milk and cereal.  I guess it is a sore spot
with me.
I would agree that I have no right to tell anyone what to feed their
animals.  I am sure that I do not know the perfect food, but I hope
everyone is open to learning, and willing to do a little research to see
what information is available and I would hope that the person offering
the food is making sure it has the necessary ingredients- good portion of
meat, and suitable for ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 3398]