Hello folks:
My 6 year old boy Odo has had this condition all of his life, though his
brother Quark has not.  For lack of a better term, it sounds like he has
asthma.  He gets into these really short quick breath fits every great once
in a while (and I mean, it can be months before he has an attack).  I don't
know what to do during them except hold him on my shoulder so his breathing
system is extended (sorry, i can't find the right words).  this seems to
stop the sneezing, but then it will just start right back up after I've set
him down.  It's very possible this is just a reaction to the tumble weeds
(ala cat fur) that blows around the house, but none of the other 4 ferrets
have it.  Any assistance would be appreciated.
becki kain
the organic cron job
[Posted in FML issue 3396]