Hi all
My hooman was out of touch again but I forgive them this time.  They went
to a ferret show to see other babies.
A little girl named Sophie came in today.  I gave her da tour around da
place and showed her all da attractions and sights.  She went over to da
Gravy Gourmet where she ate a lot of da gravy.  She said dat she hadn't
been feeling well so she waz a little hungry.  She then went over to da
Flying Lessons to try out her new wings.  I assigned her an instructor and
she waz soon soaring away like an expert doing all da areobatics in da air.
However when it came to da landing she needed a lot of work on dat.  She
kinda nose flopped and hit her nose a little.  So to compensate she came
in nose high and almost broke her butt end.  She will get it though with
a littile practice.  She said to tell her daddy she luved him bunches and
to send along lots of kisses.
I don't do da other animals but I did check a on Princess and she waz in
good hands.  I gave her your message though.
I am going over to see how da tube races are going.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3396]