I can't help but comment on the recent issue of Modern Ferret.  It was
excellent.  The article on Sean and Rocky by Rebecca Stout was captivating
and intriguing .... hit me right in the heart.  Rebecca, you have my utmost
respect.  The update on the NYC legislation was extremely interesting and
having Dr. Williams being a regular again is fantastic.  I'm glad I read
the issue thru as soon as I got it because I took it to put on display at
a library presentation I gave and some little "human" thief walked away
with it.  Personally, I think we should all give Mary and Eric our complete
support by way of subscriptions regardless whether or not we get the issues
on time or not.  They are "David" fighting "Goliath" here and it takes a
group effort to make a difference.
I've noticed the FML comes to me now without having to be downloaded
because it hasn't had as much content as in the past.  I can only imagine
that although the FML has a circulation of over 3,000; the pettiness of
some posters has alienated a lot of people.  Man is his own worst enemy.
About the BFF issue, I am on Edwin Bullard's side of the issue.  I posted
before the election on the stance of political candidates toward
animal/environment issues.  I don't know if I'd go so far as to call Dubya
a Fuhrer(sp) as much as I would Dick Cheney's little marionette.  BFF's
aren't the only critter threatened by this administration ---- it's very
real, folks, and very scary.  Mr. Hinton's diatribe was scary, too.
On a higher note, representing the Great Lakes Ferret Association, I made
presentations on ferrets during school spring break here in Grand Rapids
(MI) the first week of April.  Monday I had 53 people, Wednesday I had 23
people, Thursday I had 28 people, Friday I had 6 kids (it was an inner
city library) and Saturday I had 65 people.  The city public library was
thrilled with the response and I'm "on call" for future programs.  Sarah
McCarville, Youth Services Coordinator for the GR Public Library, wrote
"I've only heard wonderful comments from all the branches you visited.
It's great to see such interest from the public about learning about these
I took 4 of my fuzzbutts "on the road" with me until Wylie started drooling
& pawing his mouth when I put him in his carrier.  I thought he was had
claustrophbia being in a small carrier so I held him while I was driving
and he still was drooling so I thought he was just getting carsick.  The
next time I tried by carrying him in my arms just taking him outside & he
started drooling SO I can only surmise he was having anxiety attacks.  He
only made it to the first 2 presentations.  Wylie is my behaviorally
challenged little misfit anyway so it didn't surprise me much.  Hershey,
Stone & Finnegan were perfect.  Nilla didn't go at all - she's my old girl
and refuses to be bothered with such nonsense.
Take care
Hershey, Stone, Finnegan
[Posted in FML issue 3395]