I came across a siter online while doing a search for Baltimore's City
Paper (our local free rag, great for lining the poopie box after you're
done) and I came across something horrible.  It turns out that rendering
plants, some of the main sources for bone meal and random proteins in pet
foods, grind up roadkill, euthanised pets, and various other horrible
things for use in pet foods.  Read this, but only if you've a strong
Is it any wonder that out babies are dying of cancer and other diseases,
when we feed them foods made of these things?
A horrified Rhyakat
[Moderator's note: Let's not forgot though that pet food manufacturers
have a choice of suppliers and ingredients -- I think it is accurate to
say that most companies do NOT use raw materials of such poor quality.
Nor is it inaccurate to say that some do.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3392]