Sean is still working through his grief over the loss of my ferret Jubilee.
Her ashes are in an urn on my dressor with her colar on it.  Sean does not
know this..  he thinks the urn is a special vase we got from the Vet to
remember Jubilee by.  He was missing her and crying last night.  For once
he was not projecting his feelings onto the ferrets or Rocky (ex.. "Ping
is crying" or "Rocky misses little girl").  These were heartbreaking
questions.... just a couple of many from him as of late.  These questions
are extraordinary comming from an autistic.
-Mom, what happens if Jubilee Spirit her vase breaks?  What would happen,
 Mommy?  Will her heart break?
-What if a robber comes in and takes her vase?  Then what happens?  How
 will we remember her?
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for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3391]